Published on November 15, 2003 By crissy14 In WinCustomize Talk
Let me start by saying that my intention is not to single out or point the finger at anyone. I just want to be clear on this copyright thing. I see submissions being uploaded (in a lot of the libraries, but especially the bootskin library) that contain images that I would think would be copyrighted. Cartoon characters, movie stars, etc. I think I may have even violated the copyright law by using the microsft flag logo. Can someone please clarify for me what is violating this copyright law and what is not?
And, if some of these submissions are in violation, why are they being accepted?
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Comments (Page 3)
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on Nov 16, 2003
It might be a good idea to ask an admin why it was rejected. If they think you used any images without permission and you didn't, then that is something you should get cleared up.

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on Nov 16, 2003
I'm not really that bother about it

And I know why admins do not send out rejection emails

It was made to please my nephews and they insisted I upload it Kids

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on Dec 08, 2003
Two words: "fair use".

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on Dec 08, 2003
#30, last sentence, yeah, i think that youre right *realizes why lots of walls and logons have been rejected* hahaha. no, j/k. yeah, even though we think that the moderators are bots that will do anything we ask, we gotta realize that theyre people with lives. (jafo)
on Dec 08, 2003

There is a lot of case-by-case issues. For example, we know from experience that some companies make a lot of money out of selling promotional material, or selling the right to use their trademarks. These companies are quite strict about the illegal reproduction of thier own trademarks.  One example of this is sports teams. Ever wander why we have so little sports themes here? Because that is one major source of revenues for the NHL, NFL, etc.  The SELL the rights to use the teams logos, they don't give it away.

BTW: I know this first hand, by an email from a NHL lawyer.

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